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Yaroslavl, Russia

Small family Maine Coon Cattery in Yaroslavl, Russia

King Size is a small family cattery of Russian purebred Maine Coons.

We are located in the ancient and beautiful Russian city of Yaroslavl, which is more than 1000 years old.

It is almost in the very center of Russia, 250 km from Moscow.

Our home and way of life

At the moment we live outside the city in our own house. We don't have separate buildings for cats, all our Maine Coons live with us in the same house, they are part of our family.

Our cattery is quite small, and I have the opportunity to pay attention to each of our adult Maine Coons and kittens.

Each of our Maine Coon male has his own separate room to exclude unplanned mating and fights between them. There is also a separate room for mothers with kittens. When kittens start walking, I allow them to walk around the house and communicate with other adult cats and people. Communication with other cats and people helps kittens grow into contact and friendly Maine Coons.

Happy Maine Coon Kittens

While the kittens are growing up, I help them learn how to use a litter box and a scratching post so that they don't have any problems in their new home. Our kittens have a lot of toys and several cat trees for running around and relaxing, so each of our kitten is a happy Maine Coon baby.

We also have several neutered cats who have completed their breeding activities and live with us.

We don't keep our adult Maine Coons and Maine Coon kittens in cages!

WCF registration

I have been breeding these magnificent cats since 2008 and am a certified breeder.

Our cattery is registered with WCF - the World Cat Federation (Germany). All Maine Coon kittens born in the King Size Cattery are registered with WCF and have a WCF pedigree.

Certified felinologist

I took several felinological courses to know and understand the physiology and genetics of cats. This helps me plan mating to get beautiful and, most importantly, healthy Maine Coon kittens.

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Yaroslavl, Russia

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