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Yaroslavl, Russia

September 30, 2017 Yaroslavl

Незаметно кончилось лето, Локи оброс, отрастил большой воротник  и вообще сделался большим лохматым мейн-куном.

Сомневались, надо ли идти на выставку кошек нашего клуба, оказалось, сомневались зря.

В большой конкуренции среди взрослых котов мейн-кунов  и котов в ПДШ группы в первый день Локи стал Best Opposite Sex SLH, а во второй день Best of Best II, что для нас стало неожиданностью. В монопородном шоу мейн-кунов 01 октября 2017 года стал лучшим взрослым животным Best Adult MCO. Приятно, однако!

мейн-кун Ярославль

29-30 апреля 2017 Кострома

Нам дома не сидится. Организованной группой увлеченных товарищей мы посетили Международную выставку кошек в г. Костроме. 

Были номинированы на Best in Show и заняли 4 и 5 место WCF ринга взрослых животных.

01-02 апреля 2017 Ярославль

Мы с Локи снова сходили на выставку нашего клуба. Оценки ему уже не нужны, но поддержать родной клуб Локи завсегда рад, к тому же он стал рекламный лицом (назвать мордой его язык не поворачивается:)) выставки.

Локи был номинирован на Best in Show, но, к сожалению, основные победы прошли мимо нас.  Но мы совсем не расстраиваемся. Проигрывать тоже нужно уметь. 


Desember 24-25, 2016 Yaroslavl

Loki and I visited the final cats show of the year organised by the club "Alisa-Best". In the competition of large Maine coons among (and there were more than 30 cats) Loki was nominated for Best in Show and became BOB-3 the first day of the show! We are happy:)

Oktober 08-09, 2016 Yaroslavl

At the international cats show of KLK "Alisa-Best" we've got two CAGCIB  and was nominated for Best in Show.

мейн-кун Ярославль

August 20, 2016 Tver

At the end of the summer we decided to celebrate another cats show, long thought where to go and decided to go to Tver to take part in the international cats show of cats club "Alpha cat"

Loki closed title Inter Champion and opened the title of Grand Inter Champion. In the fierce competition among Maine coons and was nominated for best in show and became BOB-III.

Judges: M. Zhuravleva, E. Ignatova, M. Savrasov, BOS, CACIB, second day, and Nom Bisx2, BOB-III.

May 14-15 2016 Yaroslavl

On Cats show of our club we always go with great pleasure. And cats show in may was no exception. Loki  got two CACIB and was nominated for Best in Show. But, unfortunately, didn't win anything. But we don't worry:)

Judges: P. Rudov, R. Nitsenko, L.Gordeeva, CACIBx2, Nom Bis

April 16-17, 2016 Kostroma

Show  marathon is continues. We with Loki visited the international cats show iin the city of Kostroma, the organized by the club "Augustine"

Loki has opened title Inter Champion, took 2nd and 1st place in WCf-ring of adult, became Best of Best 2 on the first day of the show and the Best Opp. Sex in SLH group in the second day and became the Best Opp. Adult in Aborigen-show. We are happy:)

Judges: T. Gulyanska, A. Gudkova, CACIBx2, nom Bisx2, BOB-II, Best Opp.Sex SHL, 2 and 1 place in WCF-ring Adult, Best Opp. Sex Adult in Aborigen-show.

March 19-20, 2016, Rybinsk

We took part in International cats Show in Rybinsk.

Our results: Loki has closed a title Champion, nominates for Best in Show, became the Best Adult in special breed show of Maine Coon, 5-th and 4-th place in WCF-ring Adult

Judges: Y. Maelnikova, M. Zhuravleva, CACx2, nom BIS, Best Abuts in Maine Coon Special Show, 5-th and 4-th place in WCF-ring Adult.

February 27-28, 2016, Rybinsk

February 27-28, 2016 we took part in the international cats show in Rybinsk, organized by our club club Alisa-Best Yaroslavl.

Our results: Loki has closed a title Junior-Champion, opened title of the Champion of breed, twice nominated for Best in Show (in Junior class and as Adult cat), and also became the Best Adult and Best of Breed in special breed show of Maine Coon, beating the competition in several adult males. For a boy who just turned 10 months, a very good result.

Judges: G. Kamenskaya, N. Belova, CACJ, CAC, nom BISx2, Best Adult , Best of Breed in Maine Coons Special Breed Show.

Desember 19-20, 2015 Yaroslavl

The final cats show of the outgoing year of the club we could not skip.

Loki exhibited in the Junior class. Judged: I. Bodunov, A. Mineev, A. Kretschmer-Kraiczek, Junior Class, CACJx2, Nom Bisx2

In the fierce competition among juniors Maine coons our Loki was twice nominated for Best In Show.

Oktober 24-25, 2015 Kostroma

3 days before the transition to the Junior class we decided to visit the cat show in Kostroma, organized by club Bon AMI. Loki was shown in the Kitten class, although, of course, Loki not like kitten:)

Judges: N. Lebedeva, T. Emelyanova, A Class Of Kittens, САСРх2

Our results: Closed the title Kitten-champion, twice nominated for Best in Show, Best Kitten of the first day of the show and Best Opp. Sex Kitten of the second day of the exhibition (what a shame, lost by lot). Not bad at all!

September 12-13, 2015 Yaroslavl

We took part in the international cats show Alisa-best Yaroslavl (WCF). This was the first outing of our baby Loki at cats show.

Judges: M. Litvina, R. Nitsenko, O. Gruzd. The class of kittens, САСРх2

The debut was successful. Loki was twice nominated for best in Show, finished 10th and 6th place in WCF-ring of young animals and became Best Kitten and Best of breed in monobreed show Maine Coon.

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Yaroslavl, Russia

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