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Yaroslavl, Russia

What color kittens can be born if the colors of the parents are known? What will my kittens look like?

This questions will be answered by our Cat Color Genetics calculator.

Choose the colors of the father and mother and get the possible colors of kittens. Remember that there are signs that are not visible in the phenotype (the way we visually see a cat and its color), but can manifest in kittens under certain conditions.

The calculator does not calculate:

  1. Colorpoint colors
  2. Colors chocolate, cinnamon and their lightening options
  3. The length of the coat
  4. Eye color

Cats Color Genetic Calculator

Father's color

Неверный ввод
Неверный ввод
Неверный ввод
Неверный ввод

Father's EMS code:

Mother's color

Неверный ввод
Неверный ввод
Неверный ввод
Неверный ввод

Mother's EMS code:

Boys kittens possible colors:

Girls kittens possible colors:


Do you want to understand why exactly such variants of kittens' colors are possible in your case? We can explain! Read Cat Coat Color Genetics for Beginner.

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Yaroslavl, Russia

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