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Yaroslavl, Russia

Kitten on the scales

From kitten to adult cat

With each litter of kittens, we collected and collect information about the weight of each Maine Coon kitten in different periods of their growth and development.

How much does a Maine Coon kitten weigh at birth? And at the age of 1 month? And in 3 months? At 6 months? Finally, how much should an adult Maine Coon males and females weigh?

I want to share our statistics with you. Of course, it does not pretend to be scientific and is not an axiom. Each kitten is an individual, and its weight can vary both less and more.

Despite the fact that a sufficient number of kittens have already grown in our cattery, with each litter we worry about whether our kittens are growing correctly, especially if we start comparing them with photos of kittens of the same age from other catteries. Then our weight table of kittens at different ages comes to our aid. We hope that this table of the average weight of Maine Coon kittens will be useful to you too.

How much should a Maine Coon kitten weigh at birth?

The average weight of kittens at birth is 100-150 grams (0.22-0.33 lbs). The more kittens in the litter, the average weight of a kitten in the litter is less.

We weigh kittens at birth and then 2 times a day for the first 14 days of their life. It often happens that the first day, kittens lose weight by 5-8 grams (0.022 lbs). But, as our practice shows, this is the norm. On average, a kitten should add 5-10 grams (0.022 lbs) per day. If the kitten does not gain weight, and even worse, or the weight decreases for several days - this is a serious cause for concern. Perhaps he does not have enough milk, and then he will need complementary foods. Weak and unviable kittens gain weight just as badly.

The results in this table are the observation of almost 60 kittens in our cattery, starting from the first litter.

Table of the average Weight of Maine Coon kittens from birth to 4 months

Age of the kitten Average weight of kittens
Male Kitten Female Kitten
1 day old 90-150 grams / 0.2-0.33 lbs
7 days old / 1-week-old 150-250 grams / 0.33-0.55 lbs
14 days old / 2 weeks old 270-350 grams / 0.6-0.77 lbs
21 days old / 3 weeks old 400-450 grams / 0.88-0.99 lbs
1-month-old 500-600 grams / 1.1-1.32 lbs 450-550 grams / 0.99-1.2 lbs
2 months old 1200-1500 grams / 2.6-3.3 lbs 1100-1300 grams / 2.4-2.9 lbs
3 months old 2000-2300 grams / 4.4-5 lbs 1600-2000 grams / 3.5-4.4 lbs
4 months old 2,8-3,5 kg / 6-7.7 lbs 2,4-3,0 kg / 5.3-6.6 lbs

After 4 months, kittens can develop and gain weight in different ways, even if they are from the same litter. On average, a kitten should add from 500 to 1000 grams (1.1-2.2 lbs) per month.

Usually, by 7-9 months, the kitten is gaining its final weight. If a cat weighs 4.5 kg (9.9 lbs) by 10 months, then it is unlikely that it will weigh 6 kg (13.2 lbs)  by the year.

And once again, we recall the average weight of cats and Maine Coon cats over the age of 10 months.

  • Adult Maine Coon females weigh 4-6 kg on average (8.8-13.2 lbs).
  • Adult Maine Coon males weigh 5-9 kg on average (11-19 lbs).

And a few photos - how Maine Coon kittens change as they grow up from 1-week-old  to 3 months old.

Maine Coon kitten at the age of 2 weeks Maine Coon kitten at the age of 2 weeks  

Maine Coon kittens at the age of 2 weeks

 Maine Coon kitten at the age of 3 weeks Maine Coon kitten at the age of 3 weeks

Maine Coon kittens at the age of 3 weeks

Maine Coon kitten at the age of 4 weeks кMaine Coon kitten at the age of 1 months 

Maine Coon kittens at the age of 4 weeks

  Maine Coon kitten at the age of 5 weeks Maine Coon kitten at the age of 5 weeks

Maine Coon kittens at the age of 5 weeks

 Maine Coon kitten at the age of 1.5 months Maine Coon kitten at the age of 1.5 months

Maine Coon kittens at the age of 6 weeks

Maine Coon kitten at the age of 7 weeks Maine Coon kitten at the age of 7 weeks, How big is a 7 weeks old Maine Coon?

Maine Coon kittens at the age of 7 weeks

Maine Coon kitten at the age of 2 months Maine Coon kitten at the age of 2 months

Maine Coon kittens at the age of 2 months

 Maine Coon kitten at the age of 3 months Maine Coon kitten at the age of 3 months

Maine Coon kittens at the age of 3 months

Remember that these are the average values for the Maine Coon, and you should not be upset if your Maine Coon weighs less. We love Maine Coons not only and so much for their size, but for their amazing friendly and companionable nature.

How do I know if my Maine Coon will grow huge?

Many factors influence the weight and size of the Maine Coon:

  • Genetics and the size of the parents
  • The Gender
  • The quality of nutrition
  • Purebred

Genetics and the size of the parents

If both parents are large, then there is a high probability that your kitten will also grow large. But sometimes even large kittens can grow up from not-big parents.

The Gender

Maine Coons have pronounced sexual dimorphism, when males are significantly larger than females. In most cases, the Maine Coon male will be larger than the female. But there are exceptions here too. Our Maine Coon female Mafia weighs almost 8 kg (18 lbs), which is much more than the average weight of Maine Coon females.

Mafia is a huge Maine Coon Mafia - Huge Maine Coon, big Maine Coon

The quality of nutrition

If the kitten does not receive high-quality food, there is a chance that it will grow poorly, and will have a smaller weight and size. Therefore, make sure that your Maine Coon kitten receives food with a high protein content.

Purebred or Mixed

We don't encourage mixed mating between Maine Coons and other breeds. Thus, not only weight and size are lost, but the character also changes. Our goals as breeders is to preserve the Maine Coon as nature has made it. 

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