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Yaroslavl, Russia

Born: 18.12.2018

Color: black blotched tabby bicolor (MCO n 22 03)

Ophelia inherited from her parents a strong body, a very wide muzzle and a real look-wild look. 

Because of her stern look and very unusual voice, we call her by the male name Dimash. But despite this, Dimash turned out to be a very gentle and caring mother for her Maine Coon kittens.

HCM-test: N/N

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Born: 22.11.2020

Color: black tortie smoky with white (MCO fs 09)

We have been watching this girl since her birth. And when she grew up, we decided that there was not enough such a female in our cattery, especially since our tortoiseshell girl Misha had already retired. In our house, Chanel began to be called Shishok, she turned out to be a very charismatic Maine Coon cat, with a long tail and magnificent fur.

We really hope that Chanel will give us magnificent kittens of a wide variety of colors.

HCM-test: N/N

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Born: 25.03.2021

Color: black blotched tabby bicolor (MCO n 03 22)

Wednesday, and at home we call her Fenechka - she turned out to be a very elegant and beautiful Maine Coon female.

With excellent ears, thick tassels, a strong body and a long tail. Despite the fact that Fenechka is the youngest cat in our cattery, she already claims to be the main female of the Cattery. She needs to know everything and participate in everything.

HCM-test: N/N

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Born: 30.11.2022

Color: black solid (MCO n)

We can say that Blanche stayed with us almost by accident, and it turned out to be a great success!

At home, we call her Margot, she has grown into a beautiful Maine Coon girl. Big brushes on the ears, very beautiful profile, strong body, very long tail. We really hope that she will pass on all these qualities to her children.

HCM-test: N/N

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Born: 27.09.2011

Color: black marble tortie with white (f 22 03)

Love Me Tender came to us from the Norwegian cattery Lilletun's. Our Lavrusha, as we call it that way, very bright girl! She quickly learned and became a full member of our family. Lavrusha have wonderful character - one has only to look at her, she starts to purr. We express huge gratitude Lillian for this excellent Norwegian beauty girl.

HCM-test: N/N

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Yaroslavl, Russia

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