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Yaroslavl, Russia

Maine Coon Russia male Venom King Size

Born: 28.01.2021

Color: black silver blotched tabby MCO ns 22

This boy stayed with us to expand the program of silver and smoky colors, and we do not regret it at all. Venom has a very long body, tail and legs and very bright and contrasting silver color. At the same time, he has a very excellent profile and a strong muzzle.

Venom turned out to be a very troubled boy and gave us a lot of trouble while growing up, but we absolutely love him. It is impossible not to love him - there is not a household chore where our Venom would not participate. Now he looks like a very awkward teenager, but we really hope that in a couple of years he will turn into a massive, strong and charismatic Maine Coon male.

HCM-test: N/N

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Yaroslavl, Russia

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